
Bot Update:
Version 6.4.4 (24.04.2018)
+ Max value of InactiveChannelCheck_emptydeletetime was raised to 10000.
– Bugfix: Config values mysql_log_delete and mysql_connection_log_delete in the config file JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg
was calculated wrong. Now it should be possible to use values above 24 days.


Bot Update:
Version 6.4.3 (17.12.2017)
– Bugfix: InactiveClientsCleaner deletes clients from clients database cache of the JTS3ServerMod, if already not exists on TS3 server anymore.
No error message will be displayed in this case. (thx to the user Colt)
o Updated MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.45.

Webinterface Update:
Web Interface 3.0 Build 3033 (17.12.2017)
! Storing user account password hashes changed to a new more secure way.
Instead of MD5 and SHA1, the JTS3ServerMod Web Interface now use SHA512 with a random salt.
Old hash will be updated on next login for that user.


Der Bot hat ein Update bekommen, hier der Changelog:

Version 6.4.2
+ New setting for the AutoMove function to ignore the default channel from client.
+ Chat command !listinactivechannels got a new argument nospacer to ignore spacer channels in the list.
o List command from InactiveChannelCheck will now sort the channel list by inactivity time.
o Removed the dependencies to java.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter, to allow using Java 9 without adding modules.
o Some system information will be written into the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log file and to system out.
o Updated dnsjava library to 2.1.8.
o Updated MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.44.
o Updated Windows exe files using Launch4j 3.11, which supports Java 9.

Das Webinterface wurde auch einem Update unterzogen, hier der Changelog:

Web Interface 3.0 Build 3032
+ Added the new settings from JTS3ServerMod 6.4.2.
o Changed or added files: sql/default.sql, sql/autoupdate/3032.sql


04.07.2017 Ein Bugfix für das Webinterface wurde eingespielt.
Web Interface 3.0 Build 3031 QUICK FIX 2 (04.07.2017)
– Bugfix: Sometimes Channel or Group names with multibyte characters could be invisible in the web interface. (thx to Qipad)


30.06.2017 Unsere gesamte Seite und auch das Webinterface laufen auf einer SSL-Verschlüsselung. Damit sind eure Daten sicher.