
Der Bot hat ein Update bekommen, hier der Changelog:

Version 6.4.2
+ New setting for the AutoMove function to ignore the default channel from client.
+ Chat command !listinactivechannels got a new argument nospacer to ignore spacer channels in the list.
o List command from InactiveChannelCheck will now sort the channel list by inactivity time.
o Removed the dependencies to java.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter, to allow using Java 9 without adding modules.
o Some system information will be written into the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log file and to system out.
o Updated dnsjava library to 2.1.8.
o Updated MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.44.
o Updated Windows exe files using Launch4j 3.11, which supports Java 9.

Das Webinterface wurde auch einem Update unterzogen, hier der Changelog:

Web Interface 3.0 Build 3032
+ Added the new settings from JTS3ServerMod 6.4.2.
o Changed or added files: sql/default.sql, sql/autoupdate/3032.sql